Debt Consolidation

Make your monetary situation easier with a loan from Credit Direct. We don’t ask what you use your loan for, but if you want a personal loan for debt consolidation, we think it’s an excellent choice.

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Stop the Insanity

Even when you have the money to easily pay your monthly minimum payments, too many kinds of debt can become overwhelming. This medical bill, that credit card bill, this purchase on that store’s card-it all adds up to varying interest rates, terms, and payments. Getting a personal loan with lower interest for debt consolidation can help you better manage your finances and stop the insanity.

With a personal loan through Credit Direct, you can pool your bills into one lump sum with one creditor. You have one monthly payment, one fixed-rate interest, one pay-off date, and many sighs of relief. One quick and simple form can get you started, so what are you waiting for?

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of debt can I consolidate?
Will debt consolidation hurt my credit?
Will debt consolidation save me money?
What types of debt can I consolidate?

Any unsecured debt can be consolidated, including medical bills, payday loans, student loans, and credit cards.

Will debt consolidation hurt my credit?

For most people, debt consolidation may cause an initial hit to your credit score. However, as long as you make consistent, on-time payment, it generally has a positive impact on your credit.

Will debt consolidation save me money?

Maybe. It depends on your financial situation and the debt you’re consolidating. For instance, if you don’t owe very much on your bills, debt consolidation may just end up costing you more in the long run. Before getting a personal loan to consolidate your debt, add up your existing debt (don’t forget to include interest!) and divide by the number of payments it would take to pay it off. If it’s less than the cost of the loan (again, including interest), you may be better off using your personal loan to take yourself on vacation to Tahiti.

Get The Loan You Deserve!

One simple web form puts your feet on the road to financial freedom

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“I was pleased with the assistance I received from Credit Direct. They were able to provide a few options for me to do a debt consolidation and I was able to close my loan with a finance company that was right down the street from me. They were very nice, efficient and gave me what I needed to help my financial future. ” 

-Paula H
-BBB Verified Review
